Koger Center for the Arts 35th Birthday Wishlist

The Koger Center for the Arts is 35!

For over three decades, we have presented and supported transformational artistic experiences in the Midlands that enlighten, educate, entertain, and inspire people of all ages.

To celebrate this special occasion, we are upping our commitment to meet the artistic needs of our community

  • More free concerts   
  • Diverse visual and performing arts   
  • Supporting local artists   
  • Educational programming and resources   
  • New and improved spaces like a Blackbox theatre and accessible restrooms   

We need your help to make this happen, so we created a Birthday Wishlist! By supporting causes on our wishlist, more people in South Carolina and beyond can experience the life-changing power of the arts.

Birthday Wishlist

Koger Center Presents Events Fund

Your gift supports booking fees for local and national artists, Live Outside and Live in the Lobby concerts, and art exhibit design and maintenance.

  A perfect match if you love supporting local artists, indie music and experimental art, and free stuff!

Koger Center Renovations Fund

Your gift supports improving our handicap accessible restrooms and lighting for the Koger Center's new BlackBox theatre.

  A perfect match if you love theatre and film, accessibility, and architecture and design trends.

Koger Center Name-A-Seat Campaign*

Your gift supports the Koger Center Presents Series and Gonzalez Hall renovations.

  A perfect match if you love the idea of leaving a legacy, squeak-free seats, but you can't pick between supporting renovations or programming. It's the best of both worlds!

*To make your gift to the Name-A-Seat campaign, use this link

Koger Center for the Arts Critical Needs Fund

Your gift supports arts resources for local schools and free performances for students.

  A perfect match if you love arts education, immersive experiences, and community service.

Koger Center Presents Endowment Fund

Your gift supports the critical needs of the Koger Center and helps keep the Koger Center in Columbia for the next 35 years and beyond.

  A perfect match if you love local history, Columbia's arts scene, and planning for the future.

Wish the Koger Center "Happy Birthday!" with a gift today!

Questions? Contact Brittany Martin at 803-777-6757 or bgmartin@sc.edu for more information.

Our Crowdfunding Groups